What is a Chemical Peel? A Treatment for Your Skin's Beauty!

refreshed woman’s skin after peel

You may have heard about them from your favourite influencer, your friend, or television but you never actually stopped to ask – what is a chemical peel and what does it do for your skin? Since we offer chemical peels at Esteem Medical Esthetics (our Skin Bright Ultra Renewal Peel is 15% off for the month of September 2021!) we thought it would be fitting to go over the benefits of a chemical peel for your skin. Let’s get to resurfacing!

What is a Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing treatment that improves the skin’s appearance. The “peel” consists of a chemical solution applied to cause deep exfoliation and stimulation of the skin. The top layer of the skin will eventually “peel” away and correct common conditions such as fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, scars, enlarged pores, and more! However, peeling is not necessary to see visible results. All peels have a different formation.

There are three main types of chemical peels – light, medium, and deep chemical peels. What separates the three? Exactly how it sounds! The level of skin resurfacing you expect out of your treatment will decide which chemical peel is right for you.


Are There Any Side Effects? (Does it Hurt)

Since chemical peels are skin resurfacing treatments, there are some side effects to be expected. Common temporary effects on the skin include redness, tightness, irritation, swelling, and discolouration. However, don’t be scared! This is exactly why you come to the expert estheticians at Esteem Medical Esthetics for your chemical peel treatment. Our staff will properly assess your skin’s condition and recommend the best peel for your skin accordingly! And we will properly prepare your skin, complete the treatment, and provide a post-care plan to ensure the treatment comes with the least amount of discomfort and the most desirable results!


Our Chemical Peel Treatment Process

Our medical-grade chemical peels exfoliate and stimulate the skin to correct common conditions like fine lines, enlarged pores, congested skin, acne, blemishes, and irregular pigmentation. In a comfortable 30 to 60 minute appointment, the skin is cleansed and prepped to receive an even application of clinical peel solution. Once neutralized, the skin is cooled and protected with an SPF. Patients return immediately to regular activities. In the 5 to 7 days before treatment, patients must discontinue all forms of topical Vitamin A (retinol) and other abrasive acid treatment agents. Contact our office to confirm safe skincare pre and post-treatment!

We have chemical peels that improve:

  • Acne & Blemishes

  • Complexion

  • Neck & Chest

  • Skin Tone & Texture

  • Wrinkles, Lines & Folds


Book a Skincare Consultation

Are you concerned about your skin’s health? Do you have a question about your daily skincare routine? You can book a consultation with our highly trained staff at Esteem! Submit a contact form here or give us a call at (519) 979-2235. Let’s build your personalized skincare routine together!