What is CoolSculpting® Body Contouring? What Should You Expect?

woman who received CoolSculpting treatment

We’ve all got those troublesome areas where it seems like we cannot make our fat go away no matter what we do. And that’s okay! We are all unique and so are our bodies. Everyone has a different distribution of fat cells to spots in our body. If these extra fat cells are holding you back from achieving your body goals, CoolSculpting® can help! CoolSculpting® uses controlled cooling technology to destroy fat cells. Different regions of the body can be targeted including the abdomen, thighs, love handles, back, under the buttocks, arms, chin, and more!

Have we got your attention? If you have made it this far you are either interested in the CoolSculpting® treatment offered by Esteem or you are interested in medical aid to help you achieve your body goals! Let’s go over the CoolSculpting® process and everything that goes into the treatment to understand if it is right for you.


CoolSculpting® Treatment Process

CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that delivers proven and long-lasting results. The treatment consists of controlled cooling to destroy stubborn fat cells that are difficult to get rid of even with exercise and diet. CoolSculpting® requires NO surgery, NO needles, and NO extended recuperation period.

CoolSculpting® differs from traditional diet and exercise by completely eliminating targeted fat cells altogether. Traditional methods of weight loss simply decrease the size of fat cells. The controlled cooling technology by CoolSculpting® only eliminates the stubborn fat cells in the targeted area and leaves behind a healthy amount of fat cells after the treatment is completed.

Treatment schedules and the number of sessions will vary from patient to patient as it is dependent on the area and the patient’s specific goals!


CoolSculpting® Starts with a Personalized Consultation from the Esteem Medical Esthetics

It all starts with a personalized consultation with a member of the Esteem Medical Esthetics team. This consultation is vital to determine if CoolSculpting® is right for you, your problem areas, and your personal body goals. Based on the personalized consultation, Esteem will create your unique CoolSculpting® treatment plan to achieve your body goals. It’s time to start freezing those bothersome fat cells away!

CoolSculpting® Downtime & Side Effects

CoolSculpting® is non-surgical… did we mention that yet? A non-invasive treatment means a more manageable downtime for you as a patient! Patients may experience swelling, localized tenderness, numb sensation in the treated area, and mild bruising that subsides in the weeks following the treatment! CoolSculpting® will not hold you back from doing your normal daily activities like alternative surgical body contouring treatments.

CoolSculpting® Before and After Results

The fat cells frozen by the CoolSculpting® treatment will be processed out of your body through natural bodily function. This means that results do not appear immediately. Patients will typically start to see results in about 2 -3 months and treatment schedules are spread out to accommodate this. However, this process does mean that the results are long-lasting. Unlike diet and exercise where the fat cell is constantly changing in size, CoolSculpting® eliminates the targeted fat cell for good.

You can view the CoolSculpting® before and after results gallery here.


Book a Body Contouring Consultation

Are you struggling to meet your body goals? Do you have a question about CoolSculpting® and what the treatment can do for you? You can book a consultation with the top body contouring experts in Windsor-Essex County! Submit a contact form here or give us a call at (519) 979-2235. Let’s achieve your body goals together!