Our Top Skincare Tips for this Fall Season in Windsor-Essex

woman with healthy skin in the fall

The sun is starting to set on summer 2021 for Windsor-Essex (sadly). What does that mean for your skincare routine? Should you make changes to your skincare to accommodate the temperature changes? Should the new additions you made to your routine this summer stay the same? So many questions! Well, the skin experts at Esteem Medical Esthetics have put together these tips to give you peace of mind before the leaves start to change.

1. Try Implementing More Moisture

As Windsor-Essex transitions out of the humid summer, your skin will start to miss the moisture it was becoming accustomed to. This distress on your skin’s barrier could be the cause of dryness, irritation, cracking, break-outs, and more! So how do you bring more moisture into your life? Try adding a thicker moisturizer into the mix or pairing a hyaluronic acid serum (a molecule that can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water) underneath your moisturizer to help with the transition into the season without having to change your moisturizer just yet! Oil-free and lightweight moisturizers are great for our summers; however, they may not be enough during the dryer and colder seasons. Pro tip: look for ingredients such as ceramides, lipids, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin within the products of your skincare routine. These all hydrate, moisturize and protect your skin!

2. Don’t Neglect Your Body’s Skin Health!

Skincare may start with the face, but it absolutely doesn’t end there. Your body is just as susceptible to the dryness that comes with the colder seasons. For some of our patients, it is even worse… especially when their skin starts to itch. Ensure you are introducing a sufficient amount of hydration and moisturizing products to your body’s skincare routine. You will thank us later!

3. Hydration, the Old-Fashioned Way

How many times have you been told to drink more water? Well, add another time to the list! It is well documented that drinking more water on a daily basis can help with your skin’s natural glow, elasticity, and health. Your skin is an organ just like your heart or lungs. It has requirements to function properly every day and water is one of them! Water is essential for your skin to stay properly hydrated and flush out the toxins built up throughout the day.

4. SPF is Here to Stay Year-Round

SPF products are not just for the summer season. They should stay in your skincare routine all year-round. We actually just published a blog post on this very topic last month! You can read the full blog here. If you don’t have time to read another full blog, no stress! We can give you the rundown. SPF (Sun Protection Factor) products are essential for any skincare routine because UV rays are a reality year-round and prolonged sun exposure can lead to long-term damage, premature aging, and skin cancer. Don’t put the SPF away just because the sweaters have come out!

5. Listen to What Your Skin is Trying to Tell You!

Optimizing your skincare routine can be a very overwhelming task! There are so many products, ingredients, and moving parts to consider with a skincare routine. Now we have to throw the seasons into the mix and worry about switching it up based on what is going on with the weather conditions outside! What can be your secret weapon to handling all these variables? Listen to what your skin is trying to tell you. If your skin is always inflamed and irritated – try cutting back on the exfoliation in your routine. If your skin Is itchy and dry – try adding more moisture into the mix. If your skin is overly oily and greasy – try a lighter moisturizer or hydrating serum. Test out your products until you find what works for you!

Book a Skincare Consultation

Are you concerned about your skin’s health? Do you have a question about your daily skincare routine? You can book a consultation with our skin experts! Submit a contact form here or give us a call at (519) 979-2235. Let’s build your personalized skincare routine together!